Starred Up 2014 • Movie

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image poster from imdb, mydramalist - Starred Up 2014

Eric Love, 19, is locked up in prison. On his first day, he assaults another inmate and several guards. He’s offered group therapy and his dad, an inmate as well, tries to talk sense into him. Can he be rehabilitated?

Type: movie (Not Rated)
Original Title: Starred Up
Directors: David Mackenzie
Actors: Jack O’Connell, Ben Mendelsohn, Rupert Friend
Genres: Crime, Drama, Thriller
Runtime: 1h 46m (6360s)
Rating: 7.3 (48465)
Released on: August 26, 2014 (United States)
Origins: United Kingdom
Filming Locations: Belfast, County Antrim, Northern Ireland, UK

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