Lockdown Love 2022 • TvMovie

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image poster from imdb, mydramalist - Lockdown Love 2022

Muzamer has feelings for Melissa since their school years. Eventually 10 years after they finished school, Muzamer is determined to express his feelings toward Melissa at their batch reunion gathering. But luck is not on his side when a week before the reunion, the government declares lockdown. Muzamer was even more disappointed, knowing Melissa is single. To him that is his only chance. His good friend, Anas, suggests for him to try get Melissa through online.

Type: tvMovie (N/A)
Original Title: Lockdown Love
Directors: Mohd Faliq Sharif
Actors: Syafiq Kyle, Armada Ammar, Nadia Brian
Genres: Romance
Runtime: 1h 33m (5580s)
Rating: 0 (0)
Released on: August 6, 2022 (Malaysia)
Origins: Malaysia
Filming Locations:

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