GadgetGang in Outer Space 2019 • Movie

image poster from imdb, mydramalist - GadgetGang in Outer Space 2019

When a spaceship crashes to Earth and reveals a group of quirky little space aliens on the run for their lives, the “GadgetGang” kids–Gus, Phoebe, Francesco, Mitsue, Mary Ann, Banana, and Tank–soon discover this won’t be the boring weekend they had dreaded. They learn that in a point far from the galaxy, an evil warlord named Gana Golber has seized control of the Confederation of Planets and now all of the planets are in danger–including Earth.

00K9 2020 • Movie

image poster from imdb, mydramalist - 00K9 2020

When Oddball, head of the Canine Intelligence Agency (CIA), learns of a villain named Sharposki and his elaborate plot to detonate a nuclear warhead to destroy the CIA and the whole galaxy with it, he has no choice but to call in Agent 00K9 to solve the case. Action, adventure, and comedy: 00K9 likes his tail shaken.

Chronicles of the Going Home Club 2013 • TvSeries

image poster from imdb, mydramalist - Chronicles of the Going Home Club 2013

It’s the beginning of a new year of high school, and school clubs are diligently recruiting members to take part in their activities. However, Natsuki Ando has decided to join the ‘Going Home Club,’ a fictional club which students who have no club affiliation and simply go home right after school jokingly claim to be members of. However, Natsuki and her new friend Karin soon discover that this particular school has a real, bona fide Going Home Club! Teaming up with club members Claire, Botan, and Sakura, the official unofficial Going Home Club gets up to all kinds of kooky trouble and hilarious fun!

Nayola 2023 • Movie

image poster from imdb, mydramalist - Nayola 2023

Angola. Three generations of women in a 25-year-long civil war: Lelena (the grandmother), Nayola (the daughter) and Yara (the granddaughter). Past and present interlace. Nayola goes in search of her missing husband at the height of the war. Decades later, the country is finally at peace but Nayola has not returned. Yara has become a rebellious teenager and a subversive rap singer. Lelena tries to contain her for fear of the police coming to arrest her. One night, a masked intruder breaks into their house, armed with a machete. An encounter like nothing they could have imagined.