Exploration Method of Love 2023 • TvSeries

image poster from imdb, mydramalist - Exploration Method of Love 2023

The twin Su sisters, Ji Shi and Jin Qing may look identical, but their lives couldn’t be more different. Living separated since childhood when their parents divorced, each taking a daughter, they have gone in drastically different directions. Ji Shi, is a Dr. of Geology, fiercely independent and enjoys exploring, while Jin Qing is a rising star in the entertainment industry who loves being in the limelight. That is, until Jin Qing mysteriously disappears, leaving only a letter of resignation and Ji Shi finds herself kidnapped by her sister’s panicked staff. Hoping to stave off a complete collapse of everything that Jin Qing was involved in and the financial ruin it will bring, they convince Ji Shi to fill in for her missing sister until they can find her. What they managed leave out, was that for the past 3 years, her sister has been playing the part in a relationship with a handsome and rich CEO, Mu Xiu Lun, for a secret show, that she would now have to convincingly step into. Learning the ropes in the entertainment industry and doing her best to help her sister out until she reappears is one thing, knowing what to do when hearts start racing is another.

Ninna Sanihake 2021 • Movie

image poster from imdb, mydramalist - Ninna Sanihake 2021

Ninna Sanihake chronicles the intimate journey of two young souls – Aditya and Amruta – through relatable and often humorous scenarios, while capturing the nuances of new age romance. A feast for the seekers of entertainment, the film is garnished with the right amount of romance, humor and drama.

Bomma Blockbuster 2022 • Movie

image poster from imdb, mydramalist - Bomma Blockbuster 2022

Pothuraju is a fisherman, film freak & ardent fan of Director Puri Jagannath. His life ambition is to conjure up the dramatic moments in his life & persuade his idol Puri Jagannath to make a film based on him. As time passes, he discovers life-altering secrets about his own family and life. Thus, Pothuraju will get forced to confront the deep pain behind his ludicrous antics and a simplistic worldview. To know what are those life-altering secrets & did he achieve his life ambition, watch ‘Bomma Blockbuster’ movie.